video from Neon Cherry
Final words from Krisse from All About Symbian:
While other smartphones show off loudly about their technological prowess, the 6120 Classic has quietly appeared on the market without too much fanfare. However, it is the 6120 Classic which is the most likely candidate so far to take smartphones even further into the mainstream. The 6120 Classic's combination of small size, relatively low price and tasteful-but-neutral looks make it a much easier sell to the average person than an N95, E90 or iPhone.
The actual S60 technology is also now mature enough to attract ordinary users: the speed of the interface is generally as fast as on a normal phone, the settings menus have all been unified under a single menu icon, and there's an extensive range of animated how-tos which can be accessed from the Tutorial icon on the main menu. The S60 platform is now very stable, this reviewer didn't experience a single crash with the 6120 Classic.
The 6120 Classic seems to also be aimed at the tech fan who's always wanted a S60 smartphone but was put off by the size, the price or the menu speed. It deals with all of these fairly well, and still has the stuff that existing fans of S60 would appreciate. The 6120 Classic has most of the features of the Nokia N95 for example, but costs less than half the price, weighs 25% less, and is 25% smaller.
The catch is that people with bad eyesight or large fingers may have problems with the 6120 Classic's smaller screen and smaller buttons, and they might be better off with a physically larger phone, especially a clamshell model.
Overall, the Nokia 6120 Classic offers an alternative for people who are unimpressed by large expensive smartphones and want something closer to the size and price of a normal phone. It takes us a step closer to the point at which smartphones and normal phones are one and the same thing.
hey man, any idea when this unit would be released here in our country(ph)?
obviously, 6120 classic's release was delayed here in our country. this particular model was suppose to be launched last month june. just called nokia care, they said we can expect 6120c to be available - early august..
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